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Tips for Improving your Credit Score

Published: 03/22/2024
Tips for Improving your Credit Score

In the financial world, your credit score is a crucial indicator of your creditworthiness. Whether you're planning to make a major purchase, or simply aiming for financial stability, understanding your credit score is an important step.

Know Your Score

Start by obtaining your credit report from reputable credit bureaus. Understanding the factors influencing your score lays the foundation for targeted improvement. You can find your free annual report and other financial resources here.

Complete On Time Payments

Timely payments have a high impact when it comes to credit scores. Set up automatic payments or reminders to ensure you never miss due dates. Consistent, on-time payments demonstrate reliability to creditors.

Manage Credit Utilization

Maintain a healthy balance between your credit limits and outstanding balances. Aim for a credit utilization ratio below 30%. This shows responsible credit management and positively impacts your score.

Diversify Your Credit Mix

 A varied credit portfolio, including credit cards, loans, and other forms of credit, can contribute positively to your score. However, only pursue credit that you genuinely need and can manage responsibly.

Check for Errors

Regularly review your credit report for inaccuracies. Dispute any discrepancies promptly, as errors can negatively affect your score.

Length of Credit History Matters

The length of time your accounts have been active impacts your credit score. Avoid closing old accounts, as they contribute positively to the overall age of your credit history.

Patience is Key

Improving your credit score is a gradual process. Stay committed to positive financial habits, and over time, you'll see your efforts reflected in your credit score.

It can be a long journey before you discover your personal path to financial success. By implementing these tips, you can take control of your credit health and pave the way for a more secure financial future. Fairmont FCU is here to help you every step of the way.

Membership eligibility may apply. Insured by NCUA.



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